Incorporating length information and growth estimation in the Woods Hole Assessment Model (WHAM)

Giancarlo M. Correa\(^1\), Cole Monnahan\(^2\), Jane Sullivan\(^3\), James T. Thorson\(^2\), Andre E. Punt\(^1\)

\(^1\)University of Washington, Seattle, WA

\(^2\)Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA, Seattle, WA

\(^3\)Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA, Juneau, AK


  • State-space assessment models
  • The Woods Hole Assessment Model (WHAM)
    • Limitations
  • New features in WHAM
  • Examples

State-space assessment models

Allows separation of both observation and process errors.

Observation equation:

\[E[Y_t \mid X_t]= g(X_t,\theta)\]

Process equation:

\[E[X_t \mid X_{t-1}] = h(X_{t-1},\theta)\]

\(X_t\) is the unobserved state at time step \(t\) and \(Y_t\) are observations. \(\theta\) is the vector of all unknown model parameters (fixed effects). \(X_t\) treated as random effects (Aeberhard et al. 2018).

State-space assessment models

Why use them? (Aeberhard et al. 2018, Stock and Miller, 2021)

  • handle structural breaks, time-varying parameters
  • handle missing observations
  • can be used to do forecasting
  • model complex and nonlinear relationships
  • less retrospective bias

The Woods Hole Assessment Model (WHAM)

  • Fully state-space age-structured model
  • Developed from ASAP3 (built in ADMB)
  • Data: catch, indices of abundance, age compositions, empirical weight-at-age
  • Environmental covariates (mechanistic approach)
  • Written in TMB and R (user friendly!) ( see R package ).

The Woods Hole Assessment Model (WHAM)

The Woods Hole Assessment Model (WHAM)

Random effects in:

  • Selectivity parameters
  • Natural mortality
  • Abundance-at-age
  • Catchability

Stock and Miller et al., 2021

The Woods Hole Assessment Model (WHAM)

Yellowtail flounder on the US East Coast (Stock and Miller, 2021):

The Woods Hole Assessment Model (WHAM)


  • best practices for random effects use
  • length information and growth modeling not available
  • single sex, no spatial component, no aging error
  • only selectivity-at-age
  • only input empirical weight-at-age

Great talk by Brian Stock and Tim Miller on WHAM.

WHAM expansion

Data inputs

  • (Marginal) length compositions
  • Conditional age-at-length
  • Input age-length transition matrix (\(\varphi_{f,l,a}\))

Growth modeling

  1. Use input age-length transition matrix

To distribute abundance-at-age to abundance-at-age and length.

Growth modeling

  1. Use von Bertalanffy growth equation:

The mean length-at-age at the start of the year (\(y=1\)):

\[\tilde{L}_{y,a} = L_{\infty}+(L_1 - L_{\infty})exp(-k(a-1))\]

and when \(y>1\):

\[\tilde{L}_{y,a} = \begin{cases} L_1, & \mbox{if } a=1 \\ \tilde{L}_{y-1,a-1}+(\tilde{L}_{y-1,a-1}-L_{\infty})(exp(-k)-1) & \mbox{otherwise} \end{cases}\]

Growth modeling

  1. Use von Bertalanffy growth equation:

Then, to calculate the mean length-at-age at any fraction of the year:

\[L_{y,a} = \tilde{L}_{y,a} + (\tilde{L}_{y,a} - L_{\infty})(exp(-kf_y)-1)\] \(f_y\) is the year fraction.

Growth modeling

  1. Use von Bertalanffy growth equation:

Also, \(L_{y,a}\) and variation of length-at-age ( \(\sigma_a\) ) are used to calculate the age-length transition matrix (Stock Synthesis - SS - approach):

\[\varphi_{y,l,a} = \begin{cases} \Phi(\frac{L'_{min}-L_{y,a}}{\sigma_{y,a}}) & \mbox{for } l=1 \\ \Phi(\frac{L'_{l+1} - L_{y,a}}{\sigma_{y,a}}) - \Phi(\frac{L'_{l} - L_{y,a}}{\sigma_{y,a}}) & \mbox{for } 1<l<n_L \\ 1-\Phi(\frac{L'_{max} - L_{y,a}}{\sigma_{y,a}}) & \mbox{for } l = n_L \end{cases}\]

Growth modeling

  1. Use von Bertalanffy growth equation:

Random effects on growth parameters can be modeled:

. . .

\[log(L_{\infty_t}) = \mu_{L_\infty} + \delta_{1,t}\]

\[log(k_t) = \mu_{k} + \delta_{2,t}\]

\[log(L_{1_t}) = \mu_{L_1} + \delta_{3,t}\]

. . .

\(t\) represents year or cohort effects and can be \(iid\) or \(AR1\).

Growth modeling

  1. Estimate mean length-at-age:

For this case, mean length-at-age ( \(\tilde{L}_{a}\) ) are assumed to be parameters and can be estimated. \(\sigma_a\) still needed.

. . .

Time variability can be modeled by including random effects:

\[log(\tilde{L}_{y,a}) = \mu_{\tilde{L}_{a}} + \delta_{a,y}\]

\(\delta_{a,y}\) can vary by year and age.

Length-weight relationship

Optional when empirical weight-at-age not provided:

\[w_l = \Omega_1 l^{\Omega_2}\]

Random effects on \(\Omega_1\) and \(\Omega_2\) can also be estimated (like growth parameters).

. . .

Then, we can calculate the population weight-at-age at any moment during the year:

\[\hat{w}_{y,a} = \sum_l \varphi_{y,l,a}w_l\]

. . .

\(\hat{w}_{y,a}\) can also be fitted to \(w_{y,a}\) (empirical weight-at-age)


Originally, these selectivity-at-age functions were available:

  • age-specific: by age.
  • logistic: increasing logistic.
  • double-logistic
  • decreasing-logistic

. . .

Variability by year and parameter autocorrelation.


We incorporated one extra option:

  • double-normal: SS-like (Methot and Wetzel, 2013)

. . .

But also some selectivity-at-length functions:

  • len-logistic: increasing logistic at length
  • len-decreasing-logistic
  • len-double-normal

Environmental covariates

\(X_t\) (unobserved environmental variable at time \(t\) ) can be linked to any parameter presented here (Stock and Miller, 2021).

Two options for the process model:

  1. Random walk:

\[X_{t+1}|X_{t}\sim N(X_t,\sigma_X^2)\]

\(\sigma_X^2\) is the process variance.

Environmental covariates

  1. AR(1):

\[X_1 \sim N(\mu_X , \frac{\sigma_X^2}{1-\phi_X^2})\]

\[X_t \sim N(\mu_X (1-\phi_X) + \phi_X X_{t-1}, \sigma_X^2)\]

\(\mu_X\), \(\sigma_X^2\), and \(\mid \phi_X \mid < 1\) are the marginal mean, conditional variance, and autocorrelation parameter.

Environmental covariates

Observations \(Y_t\) are assumed to be normally distributed with mean \(X_t\) and variance \(\sigma_{Y_t}^2\):

\[Y_t \mid X_t \sim N(X_t, \sigma_{Y_t}^2)\]

\(\sigma_{Y_t}^2\) treated as known or estimated.

Environmental covariates

An environmental covariate can be linked to a state (i.e. parameter):

\[P_t = P exp(\beta_1 X_t)\]

\(P\) is the base state (parameter) value.

Other links are also available (polynomials). Lags can be modeled.



Using SS ( ss3sim, Anderson et al., 2014 ), we simulated data that was then incorporated into WHAM.

  1. Growth variability
  2. Conditional age-at-length (CAAL) data
  3. Length-weight variability

Growth variability

Simulate data:

  • catch (one fishery)
  • index of abundance (one survey)
  • length compositions (fishery and survey)
  • temporal variability in asymptotic length ( \(L_\infty\) ) using PDO as the driver

Growth variability

We implemented three models in WHAM:

  1. Random effects (by year) on \(L_\infty\)
  2. Random effects (iid) on mean length-at-age (LAA)
  3. Include an environmental variable (PDO), linked to \(L_\infty\)

Growth variability


  • m1: random effects (by year) on \(L_\infty\)
  • m2: random effects on mean length-at-age (LAA)
  • m3: environmental variable (PDO), linked to \(L_\infty\)

Growth variability

  • LAA: mean length-at-age at the start of the year
  • Still exploring these differences

CAAL data

Simulate data:

  • catch (one fishery)
  • index of abundance (one survey)
  • length compositions (fishery)
  • conditional age-at-length (survey)
  • selectivity-at-length

CAAL data

CAAL residuals:

CAAL data

Estimated selectivity-at-length:

Length-weight variability

Simulate data:

  • catch (one fishery)
  • index of abundance (one survey)
  • length compositions (fishery and survey)
  • empirical weight-at-age data fitted
  • temporal variability in the \(\Omega_1\) parameter (L-W relationship)

Length-weight variability


  • state-space models more frequent with TMB (mostly in Europe and US East Coast)
  • coherent way to include climate indices into assessments (and projections!)
  • new tools developed in this project to apply them in the West Coast and Alaska region
  • future projects: sex and spatial structure
  • interest in organizing a workshop and applications (e.g. GOA pollock)

Thanks for listening